The following table shows your location with name and country code associaited with your delivery zone, for example: Bermuda - BM - 5.
After this table you find a list that shows your delivery zone with list price by weight*.
German customers are assigned to Zone 1. We deliver in Germany from a value of 29 € Free Shipping!
Customers from the USA or Canada have instant access to Zone 2.
Please note: Some countries are not supplied by our shipping service provider FEDEX**. In this case please contact us so that we can consider an alternative. Please check the other notes in credits.
List of Countries:
Name | Code | Zone |
Afghanistan | AF | 5 |
Aland Islands | AX | Delivery only after verification! |
Albania | AL | 4 |
Algeria | DZ | 5 |
American Samoa | AS | 5 |
Andorra | AD | 4 |
Angola | AO | 5 |
Anguilla | AI | 5 |
Antarctica | AQ | Delivery only after verification! |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | Delivery only after verification! |
Argentina | AR | 5 |
Armenia | AM | 5 |
Aruba | AW | 5 |
Australia | AU | 6 |
Austria | AT | 3 |
Azerbaijan | AZ | 5 |
Bahamas | BS | 5 |
Bahrain | BH | 5 |
Bangladesh | BD | 5 |
Barbados | BB | 5 |
Belarus | BY | 4 |
Belgium | BE | 3 |
Belize | BZ | 5 |
Benin | BJ | 5 |
Bermuda | BM | 5 |
Bhutan | BT | 5 |
Bolivia | BO | 5 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | 3 |
Botswana | BW | 5 |
Bouvet Island | BV | Delivery only after verification! |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | Delivery only after verification! |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | 5 |
Bulgaria | BG | 4 |
Burkina Faso | BF | 6 |
Burundi | BI | 5 |
Cambodia | KH | 4 |
Cameroon | CM | 6 |
Canada | CA | 2 |
Cap Verde | CV | 5 |
Caribbean Netherlands | BQ | 5 |
Cayman Islands | KY | 5 |
Central African Republic | CF | Delivery only after verification! |
Chad | TD | 6 |
Chile | CL | 5 |
China | CN | 4 |
Christmas Islands | CX | Delivery only after verification! |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC | Delivery only after verification! |
Colombia | CO | 5 |
Comoros | KM | Delivery only after verification! |
Congo | CG | Delivery only after verification! |
Cook Islands | CK | 5 |
Costa Rica | CR | 5 |
Cote d'Ivoire | CI | 6 |
Croatia | HR | 3 |
Cuba | CU | Delivery only after verification! |
Curacao | CW | Delivery only after verification! |
Cyprus | CY | 4 |
Czech Republik | CZ | 3 |
Denmark | DK | 3 |
Djibouti | DJ | 5 |
Domenica | DM | 5 |
Dominican Republic | DO | 5 |
Ecuador | EC | 5 |
Egypt | EG | 5 |
El Salvandor | SV | 6 |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | Delivery only after verification! |
Eritrea | ER | 5 |
Estonia | EE | 3 |
Ethiopia | ET | 5 |
Falkland Islands | FK | Delivery only after verification! |
Faroe Islands | FO | 3 |
Fiji | FJ | 5 |
Finland | FI | 3 |
France | FR | 3 |
French Guiana | GF | 5 |
French Polynesia | PF | 5 |
French Southern Territories | TF | Delivery only after verification! |
Gambia | GM | 5 |
Georgia | GE | 6 |
Germany | DE | 1, we deliver free of charge from a value of 29€ |
Ghana | GH | 5 |
Gibraltar | GI | 4 |
Greece | GR | 3 |
Greenland | GL | 3 |
Grenada | GD | 3 |
Guadeloupe | GP | 5 |
Guam | GU | 5 |
Guatemala | GT | 5 |
Guernsey | GG | Delivery only after verification! |
Guinea | GN | 5 |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | Delivery only after verification! |
Guyana | GY | Delivery only after verification! |
Haiti | HT | 5 |
Heard and McDonald Islands | HM | Delivery only after verification! |
Honduras | HN | 5 |
Hong Kong | HK | 4 |
Hungary | HU | 3 |
Iceland | IS | 4 |
India | IN | 5 |
Indonesia | ID | 6 |
Iran | IR | Delivery only after verification! |
Iraq | IQ | 5 |
Ireland | IE | 3 |
Isle of Man | IM | Delivery only after verification! |
Israel | IL | 5 |
Italy | IT | 4 |
Jamaica | JM | 5 |
Japan | JP | 6 |
Jersey | JE | Delivery only after verification! |
Jordan | JO | 5 |
Kazakhstan | KZ | 5 |
Kenya | KE | 5 |
Kiribati | KI | Delivery only after verification! |
Kuwait | KW | 5 |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | 5 |
Lao People's Democratic Republik | LA | 4 |
Latvia | LV | 3 |
Lebanon | LB | 5 |
Lesotho | LS | 5 |
Liberia | LR | 5 |
Libya | LY | 5 |
Liechtenstein | LI | 4 |
Lithuania | LT | 3 |
Luxembourg | LU | 3 |
Macau | MO | 4 |
Madagascar | MG | 5 |
Malawi | MW | 5 |
Malaysia | MY | 4 |
Maldives | MV | 5 |
Mali | ML | 5 |
Malta | MT | 4 |
Marshall Islands | MH | 5 |
Martinique | MQ | 5 |
Mauritania | MR | 5 |
Mauritius | MU | 5 |
Mayotte | YT | Delivery only after verification! |
Mexico | MX | 4 |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM | 5 |
Moldova | MD | 4 |
Monaco | MC | 3 |
Mongolia | MN | 5 |
Montenegro | ME | 4 |
Montserrat | MS | 5 |
Morocco | MA | 5 |
Mozambique | MZ | 6 |
Myanmar | MM | Delivery only after verification! |
Namibia | NA | 6 |
Nauru | NR | Delivery only after verification! |
Nepal | NP | 6 |
New Caledonia | NC | 6 |
Netherlands | NL | 3 |
New Zealand | NZ | 4 |
Nicaragua | NI | 6 |
Niger | NE | 6 |
Nigeria | NG | 6 |
Niue | NU | Delivery only after verification! |
Norfolk Islands | NF | 6 |
North Korea | KP | Delivery only after verification! |
Nothern Mariana Islands | MP | 6 |
Norway | NO | 3 |
Oman | OM | 6 |
Pakistan | PK | 6 |
Palau | PW | 6 |
Palestine, State of | PS | 6 |
Panama | PA | 6 |
Papua New Guinea | PG | 6 |
Paraguay | PY | 6 |
Peru | PE | 6 |
Philippines | PH | 4 |
Pitcairn | PN | Delivery only after verification! |
Poland | PL | 3 |
Portugal | PT | 3 |
Puerto Rico | PR | 6 |
Quatar | QA | 5 |
Romania | RO | 4 |
Russian Federation | RU | 4 |
Rwanda | RW | 6 |
Saint Barthelemy | BL | Delivery only after verification! |
Saint Helena | SH | Delivery only after verification! |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | 6 |
Saint Lucia | LC | 6 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | 6 |
Saint-Martin (France) | MF | 6 |
Samoa | WS | 6 |
San Marino | SM | Delivery only after verification! |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | Delivery only after verification! |
Saudi Arabia | SA | 6 |
Senegal | SN | 6 |
Seychelles | SC | 6 |
Sierra Leone | SL | Delivery only after verification! |
Singapore | SG | 4 |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SX | 6 |
Slovakia | SK | 3 |
Slovenia | SI | 3 |
Solomon Islands | SB | Delivery only after verification! |
Somalia | SO | Delivery only after verification! |
South Africa | ZA | 6 |
South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands | GS | Delivery only after verification! |
South Korea | KR | 4 |
South Sudan | SS | Delivery only after verification! |
Spain | ES | 3 |
Sri Lanka | LK | 6 |
St.Pierre and Miquelon | PM | Delivery only after verification! |
Sudan | SD | Delivery only after verification! |
Suriname | SR | 6 |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands | SJ | Delivery only after verification! |
Swaziland | SZ | 6 |
Sweden | SE | 3 |
Switzerland | CH | 3 |
Syria | SY | Delivery only after verification! |
Taiwan | TW | 4 |
Tajikistan | TJ | Delivery only after verification! |
Tanzania | TZ | 6 |
Thailand | TH | 4 |
The Netherlands | NL | 3 |
Timor-Leste | TL | Delivery only after verification! |
Togo | TG | 6 |
Tokelau | TK | Delivery only after verification! |
Tonga | TO | 6 |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | 4 |
Tunisia | TN | 6 |
Turkmenistan | TM | Delivery only after verification! |
Turks and Caicos Island | TC | 6 |
Turkey | TR | 4 |
Uganda | UG | 6 |
Ukraine | UA | 4 |
United Arab Emirates | AE | 6 |
United Kingdom | GB | 3 |
United States of America | US | 2 |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM | Delivery only after verification! |
Uruguay | UY | 6 |
Uzbekistan | UZ | 6 |
Vanuatu | VU | 6 |
Vatican | VA | 3 |
Venezuela | VE | 6 |
Vietnam | VN | 4 |
Virgin Islands (British) | VG | 5 |
Virgin Islands (U.S.) | VI | 5 |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF | 6 |
Western Sahara | EH | Delivery only after verification! |
Yemen | YE | 5 |
Zambia | ZM | 6 |
Zimbawne | ZW | 6 |
Zone 1 by DHL inclusive Insurance and Tracking**General Notes:
*Please note that the shipping rates are net figures excluding German VAT. We are obliged to charge German VAT of 19% if there is no duty-free shipping available.
**We ship goods only with insured value of goods and with a reliable traceability (tracking). Some countries are not supplied by our shipping service provider FEDEX. In this case please contact us so we can consider an alternative.
For more information please contact "".
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